As we settle into our new place, it's been a little lonely without my internet. They came out yesterday to do the cable and internet and my first thought was "We're back baby!" courtesy of Futurama's Bender the Robot.
We've moved everything over except my sewing desk and a few random boxes. Everything has found a home except for my dolls and sewing stuff. I have two closets to hold my fabric stash, so that was the easy part. While we have more square footage it's the lack of an extra room that has proven difficult to me. At our home in North Carolina I used the dining room (since we didn't use it to dine in), then the extra bedroom, and then back to the dining room. Here, we actually use the dining room area, so that's out of the equation. There is a little cut out section in our bedroom, between the side of the closet and the wall with the windows that is a temporary doll area for now. I set up all of the doll beds and unpacked all of my dolls, but that's as far as I've gotten. How do you cram a bedroom full of dolls, doll stuff, sewing stuff, fabric, and scrapbooking stuff into such a small area? I'm thinking of setting up some doll scenes around the house: the doll dining room on a shelf in the dining room, the doll living room on the extra end table in the living room, etc.
We'll see how I get everything set up, and I'll be sure to post pictures of my dolls' new space. Hopefully I'll get my sewing desk moved over and set up soon since I haven't sewn since Halloween. A whole month without sewing!
Until next time....
(hopefully sewing soon)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
We're Moving! Again...
I know it just seems like yesterday to me when I posted pictures of my new doll/sewing/craft room being complete. Now I have to pack it all back up and move it again.The day spa is closing down and we are moving a bigger place. The only downside to our new place is there are stairs (my back and hips don't like stairs on bad days) and there isn't an extra room for me to have a doll/sewing/craft room. :( On the upside, I'll have a cute little backyard for pictures, lots of windows for natural light for pictures and fabric matching, and lots of closets to stash my fabric collection. I'm still trying to figure out how to split up my collection throughout the house. Something like this would be fabulous:
(Swiped from YouTube)
Here's the other video: American Girls Dollhouse on YouTube
Hey, a girl can dream right?
Realistically I'm hoping for something a little more simple, like a bookshelf that's 6 feet tall, 2 feet deep, and 4 feet wide. :)
Well, off to more packing.
Until next time.....
(packing tape in lieu of stitches)
By the way, I know there have been issues with the embedded comments thing, so I changed it to the pop up version, which seems to work when I tested it.
(Swiped from YouTube)
Here's the other video: American Girls Dollhouse on YouTube
Hey, a girl can dream right?
Realistically I'm hoping for something a little more simple, like a bookshelf that's 6 feet tall, 2 feet deep, and 4 feet wide. :)
Well, off to more packing.
Until next time.....
(packing tape in lieu of stitches)
By the way, I know there have been issues with the embedded comments thing, so I changed it to the pop up version, which seems to work when I tested it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Veteran's Day!
Yes, it has been a while since I have posted. I've been busy working on special orders, working on recovering from my car accident last month, and scrapbooking. Friday night I started a 2 page layout set and by Monday morning I was finishing my 6th 2 page set. That's 12 pages in one weekend! Even though I didn't get any doll clothes done this weekend my sewing machine still got a good work out by sewing on my pages. In one set of my directions the instructor stated somehitng along the lines of "I drew stitching with a pen since I didn't want to drag out my sewing machine". Well, since my sewing machine was out (I scrapbook on my sewing/computer desk) and I don't draw very well I did the real stitching that was suggested and then added some more of my own. All I can say is: SO MUCH FUN!
I blame my mother for all of this scrapbooking mess since she got me into cardmaking when I moved to South Carolina last December. I love how it is so much like sewing clothing.
So, onto the main topic of today... Happy Veteren's Day to all who have served our wonderful country. Thanks to those who have fought to defend our freedom, those who fought to defend others' freedom, those who supported all of our troops on and off of the front lines. As an Air Force veteren, and the member of a military family (Navy and Air Force), I have a special bond with Veteran's Day and personally would love to hug each and every veteran and active duty military member .
Yesterday while I was at my chiropractor's office I had the pleasure of meeting an Army soldier. He was a very nice guy. My oldest son that was there with me (he had to get x-rays) was quick to notice the soldier's BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform/Fatigues/Camo) and proceeded to talk this poor soldier's ear off, but the soldier was such a great sport about it. We talked about how long he had been in (around 30 years!) and what brought him to the chiropractor's office. It turns out he had been hit by an RPG and been shot four times while in Afghanistan. His injuries had affected his neck and shoulder so he was there to get those worked on. Meeting a solder like that face to face really brings things into perspective and reminds you that there is still a war going on and even though we are not in active fire fights here the war still affects us on the home front.
Thank you to each and every soldier, airman, sailor, and marine for all that you do. No job is too big or small and it's definitely a group effort.You guys rock!
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.
Until next time...
I blame my mother for all of this scrapbooking mess since she got me into cardmaking when I moved to South Carolina last December. I love how it is so much like sewing clothing.
So, onto the main topic of today... Happy Veteren's Day to all who have served our wonderful country. Thanks to those who have fought to defend our freedom, those who fought to defend others' freedom, those who supported all of our troops on and off of the front lines. As an Air Force veteren, and the member of a military family (Navy and Air Force), I have a special bond with Veteran's Day and personally would love to hug each and every veteran and active duty military member .
Yesterday while I was at my chiropractor's office I had the pleasure of meeting an Army soldier. He was a very nice guy. My oldest son that was there with me (he had to get x-rays) was quick to notice the soldier's BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform/Fatigues/Camo) and proceeded to talk this poor soldier's ear off, but the soldier was such a great sport about it. We talked about how long he had been in (around 30 years!) and what brought him to the chiropractor's office. It turns out he had been hit by an RPG and been shot four times while in Afghanistan. His injuries had affected his neck and shoulder so he was there to get those worked on. Meeting a solder like that face to face really brings things into perspective and reminds you that there is still a war going on and even though we are not in active fire fights here the war still affects us on the home front.
Thank you to each and every soldier, airman, sailor, and marine for all that you do. No job is too big or small and it's definitely a group effort.You guys rock!
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.
Until next time...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Two Weeks
It's been two weeks since my last post. I made that post first thing in the morning after my oldest left for school. 14 hours later, my children and I were hit head on by a drunk driver. Thankfully the only injuries were to me. Besides the usual seatbelt rash, my back, left hip, and right knee were bruised and aching.
I mention this incident on my sewing blog because due to the physical pain and emotional stress of this whole ordeal, my sewing has taken a back seat. Sewing is thearputic to my mind, body, and soul, but since the accident it's been hard to sit at the sewing machine and stand to iron. I have my good days and bad days, but even though I may feel better at times, those are the times I over do myself and end up in more pain than if I had just taken it easy.
What can I say? I'm a stubborn fabric addict seamstress with Halloween special orders to fill. I was able to get two orders in the mail the other day, my next order is ready to ship once payment arrives, and the order after that is waiting for 2 out of 4 robes.
Once these are done I have 3 more special orders to do and then I'm taking a break for a good cause. One of the doll collector message boards I frequent does a Chirstmas Basket (or several) every year, and every year I like to donate some items. I love being able to make young kids who don't have much feel like they are special and get a great gift that they desire. Most of the baskets we put together include a doll (brand new or very gently used but fixed up to look brand new), outfits, accessories, hair things, books, etc. It's not even Halloween yet and I've already got a list of stuff I've already made that I'm sending: doll sized Christmas stockings, crocheted items, two doll sized Christmas quilts, and some hair clips. Once the nominated girls are chosen and we find out what dolls they are recieving I'd like to make an outfit for each doll. I might be making too big a plan for myself, but I'm going to Aim High (Go Air Force!) and try. There are several other seamstresses donating items too, so if I don't reach my goal, I know I'll have some help. On another board of the same type there is another Christmas Basket for 4-5 girls in the works, and I'd like to make some stuff for them too. Yeah, I might be spreading myself a bit too thin, but these Christmas Baskets mean a lot to me. I may need some help ini gettng all of this done, and so far my biggest helper is my sweet husband. I trace the pattern peices onto the fabric and he does a lot of cutting for me, and it is a huge help, especially when I'm in "Mass Production Mode" like I am right now making wizard robes based on a currently famous book/movie series. Yes, you're thinking of the right one. It's hard to belive that book series came out when I was in High School, and when a friend of mine showed me the first of what would eventually become seven books I brushed it off as a child's book until I actually read it. Now my wizard robes are my biggest seller. I enjoy making the robes, but I do enjoy a little variety in fabrics and patterns, so I'm anxious to get the rest of these robes done so I can move onto the rest of my projects.
Whew, that's quite a bit more than I expected to type, but after not blogging for two weeks, I figured you guys deserved to know what was going on.
Until next time...
I mention this incident on my sewing blog because due to the physical pain and emotional stress of this whole ordeal, my sewing has taken a back seat. Sewing is thearputic to my mind, body, and soul, but since the accident it's been hard to sit at the sewing machine and stand to iron. I have my good days and bad days, but even though I may feel better at times, those are the times I over do myself and end up in more pain than if I had just taken it easy.
What can I say? I'm a stubborn fabric addict seamstress with Halloween special orders to fill. I was able to get two orders in the mail the other day, my next order is ready to ship once payment arrives, and the order after that is waiting for 2 out of 4 robes.
Once these are done I have 3 more special orders to do and then I'm taking a break for a good cause. One of the doll collector message boards I frequent does a Chirstmas Basket (or several) every year, and every year I like to donate some items. I love being able to make young kids who don't have much feel like they are special and get a great gift that they desire. Most of the baskets we put together include a doll (brand new or very gently used but fixed up to look brand new), outfits, accessories, hair things, books, etc. It's not even Halloween yet and I've already got a list of stuff I've already made that I'm sending: doll sized Christmas stockings, crocheted items, two doll sized Christmas quilts, and some hair clips. Once the nominated girls are chosen and we find out what dolls they are recieving I'd like to make an outfit for each doll. I might be making too big a plan for myself, but I'm going to Aim High (Go Air Force!) and try. There are several other seamstresses donating items too, so if I don't reach my goal, I know I'll have some help. On another board of the same type there is another Christmas Basket for 4-5 girls in the works, and I'd like to make some stuff for them too. Yeah, I might be spreading myself a bit too thin, but these Christmas Baskets mean a lot to me. I may need some help ini gettng all of this done, and so far my biggest helper is my sweet husband. I trace the pattern peices onto the fabric and he does a lot of cutting for me, and it is a huge help, especially when I'm in "Mass Production Mode" like I am right now making wizard robes based on a currently famous book/movie series. Yes, you're thinking of the right one. It's hard to belive that book series came out when I was in High School, and when a friend of mine showed me the first of what would eventually become seven books I brushed it off as a child's book until I actually read it. Now my wizard robes are my biggest seller. I enjoy making the robes, but I do enjoy a little variety in fabrics and patterns, so I'm anxious to get the rest of these robes done so I can move onto the rest of my projects.
Whew, that's quite a bit more than I expected to type, but after not blogging for two weeks, I figured you guys deserved to know what was going on.
Until next time...
Friday, October 9, 2009
A Survery of Randomness
Okay, just for grins, and because I've been too busy with special orders to make anything new.
A Survey of Randomness
1. Where is your phone?
My cell phone is in the outside pocket of my purse which is hanging on the door.
2. Your hair?
Wedge cut and in need of a color touch-up (my natural color is very mousy)
3. Your mother?
Always doing something. I swear the woman never takes any time off or does anything for herself but she's one of the first to step up and help someone else. She's awesome.
4. Your father?
Father or Dad? I don't talk to my father often, but my dad is awesome. How many dads do you know who would voluntarily build doll sized bunkbeds, brooms, and wands for their grown daughter? He treats my mom like a queen, which she deserves, and I'm so glad they found each other.
5. Your favorite food?
Spaghetti, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie (or pumpkin cheesecake with caramel syrup and whipped cream), pretty much anything Italian
6. Your dream last night?
Not a clue.
7. Your favorite drink?
Lemonade, white zinfandel, screwdriver
8. Your dream/goal?
I want to be an Occupational Therapist when I grow up (yes, I'm aware I'm getting close to 30)
9. What room are you in?
My sewing/doll/craft room. It's so nice and cozy.
10. Your hobby?
Sewing (99% doll clothes) and scrapbooking/cardmaking
11. Your fear?
Wooded areas at night by myself.
12. Where do you want to be in six years?
I want to be done with OT school (which means I'll have to start)
13. Where were you last night?
Right where I am now.
15. Muffins?
Mmmmmm, that sounds good right now, but the bagel I just had was less of a mess.
16. Wish list item?
An embroidery machine
17. Where did you grow up?
California and mostly Georgia
18. Last thing you did?
Took Dylan to the bus stop. Will be heading out later to go babysit Ms. Zoie.
19. What are you wearing?
My red Mickey pants (the only pants I have with something written across my butt) and my Texas Polar Bear Run shirt. This is my most comfortable outfit ever.
20. Your TV?
Got a great deal on it and am so glad to have a DVR to go with it.
21. Your friends?
I hardly see them, but we're still close and I miss them like crazy.
22. Your life?
Could be better, could be worse. Thankful for all of the good things.
23. Your mood?
Good so far, but the day has only just started. It's Friday, I'm babysitting, and I get to play with some scrapbooking stuff, so it's going to be a good day.
24. Missing someone?
Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa passed away 8 years ago, and Grandma is doing well, but I don't get down to GA to see her as often as I'd like.
25. Vehicle?
I co-own a Dodge Neon, but very rarely drive it since I drive the better running (and older) Ford Aerostar.
26. Something you're not wearing?
Socks and shoes. It's so nice and cozy in my sewing room that I never need socks.
27. Your favorite store?
Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts (and the closest one is 110 miles away).
28. Your favorite color?
Tied between blue and purple.
29. Last time you laughed?
Watching Zombieland with Jimmy
30. Last time you cried?
I took a minute right before walking out the door to see Grandma back in May when we got the middle of the night call she was on the way to the Emergency Room.
31. Your best friend?
I have several, and each one is so different. They each mean a lot to me and I think it's great that even though we don't get to see each other often, we're still close.
32. One place that you go over and over?
33. One person who emails you regularly?
My mother in law.
34. Favorite place to eat?
Anywhere where someone else is cooking and cleaning.
Okay, done! See, now don't you know just that much more about me? Now, copy my survey and paste it to your blogs and fill in YOUR answers.
A Survey of Randomness
1. Where is your phone?
My cell phone is in the outside pocket of my purse which is hanging on the door.
2. Your hair?
Wedge cut and in need of a color touch-up (my natural color is very mousy)
3. Your mother?
Always doing something. I swear the woman never takes any time off or does anything for herself but she's one of the first to step up and help someone else. She's awesome.
4. Your father?
Father or Dad? I don't talk to my father often, but my dad is awesome. How many dads do you know who would voluntarily build doll sized bunkbeds, brooms, and wands for their grown daughter? He treats my mom like a queen, which she deserves, and I'm so glad they found each other.
5. Your favorite food?
Spaghetti, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie (or pumpkin cheesecake with caramel syrup and whipped cream), pretty much anything Italian
6. Your dream last night?
Not a clue.
7. Your favorite drink?
Lemonade, white zinfandel, screwdriver
8. Your dream/goal?
I want to be an Occupational Therapist when I grow up (yes, I'm aware I'm getting close to 30)
9. What room are you in?
My sewing/doll/craft room. It's so nice and cozy.
10. Your hobby?
Sewing (99% doll clothes) and scrapbooking/cardmaking
11. Your fear?
Wooded areas at night by myself.
12. Where do you want to be in six years?
I want to be done with OT school (which means I'll have to start)
13. Where were you last night?
Right where I am now.
15. Muffins?
Mmmmmm, that sounds good right now, but the bagel I just had was less of a mess.
16. Wish list item?
An embroidery machine
17. Where did you grow up?
California and mostly Georgia
18. Last thing you did?
Took Dylan to the bus stop. Will be heading out later to go babysit Ms. Zoie.
19. What are you wearing?
My red Mickey pants (the only pants I have with something written across my butt) and my Texas Polar Bear Run shirt. This is my most comfortable outfit ever.
20. Your TV?
Got a great deal on it and am so glad to have a DVR to go with it.
21. Your friends?
I hardly see them, but we're still close and I miss them like crazy.
22. Your life?
Could be better, could be worse. Thankful for all of the good things.
23. Your mood?
Good so far, but the day has only just started. It's Friday, I'm babysitting, and I get to play with some scrapbooking stuff, so it's going to be a good day.
24. Missing someone?
Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa passed away 8 years ago, and Grandma is doing well, but I don't get down to GA to see her as often as I'd like.
25. Vehicle?
I co-own a Dodge Neon, but very rarely drive it since I drive the better running (and older) Ford Aerostar.
26. Something you're not wearing?
Socks and shoes. It's so nice and cozy in my sewing room that I never need socks.
27. Your favorite store?
Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts (and the closest one is 110 miles away).
28. Your favorite color?
Tied between blue and purple.
29. Last time you laughed?
Watching Zombieland with Jimmy
30. Last time you cried?
I took a minute right before walking out the door to see Grandma back in May when we got the middle of the night call she was on the way to the Emergency Room.
31. Your best friend?
I have several, and each one is so different. They each mean a lot to me and I think it's great that even though we don't get to see each other often, we're still close.
32. One place that you go over and over?
33. One person who emails you regularly?
My mother in law.
34. Favorite place to eat?
Anywhere where someone else is cooking and cleaning.
Okay, done! See, now don't you know just that much more about me? Now, copy my survey and paste it to your blogs and fill in YOUR answers.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Happy October!
Halloween special orders are in full swing here! Woo-hoo!
The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are changing colors and falling off, and my sewing room is nice and cozy (it's the warmest room in the house which is okay since I prefer to sew barefoot). Though I have a fireplace in my sewing room, I have no desire to light a fire in it for a few reasons: 1. I have stuff in front of it that I don't have room to put anywhere else, 2. The room is too small and it would be unbearably hot, 3. There is way too much vinyl and fabric in here that that I fear the smallest spark would cause a massive fireball in seconds. So yep, I just like my fireplace for it's mantle.
Oh, I do have some new stuff to show off, but only some of it for sale. These are some quick pictures (pay no attention to the mess in the background) of my new robes in progress that are for special orders, and the wands and brooms I have available for sale. All I have to say is "my step-dad rocks!". :-)

Here's the link for more pictures: Harry Potter Themed Stuff here
Back to the sewing desk, I've given myself until Midnight to have another robe done.
The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are changing colors and falling off, and my sewing room is nice and cozy (it's the warmest room in the house which is okay since I prefer to sew barefoot). Though I have a fireplace in my sewing room, I have no desire to light a fire in it for a few reasons: 1. I have stuff in front of it that I don't have room to put anywhere else, 2. The room is too small and it would be unbearably hot, 3. There is way too much vinyl and fabric in here that that I fear the smallest spark would cause a massive fireball in seconds. So yep, I just like my fireplace for it's mantle.
Oh, I do have some new stuff to show off, but only some of it for sale. These are some quick pictures (pay no attention to the mess in the background) of my new robes in progress that are for special orders, and the wands and brooms I have available for sale. All I have to say is "my step-dad rocks!". :-)

Here's the link for more pictures: Harry Potter Themed Stuff here
Back to the sewing desk, I've given myself until Midnight to have another robe done.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Playing with camera and new toy horse
Yesterday I decided to explore my new backyard and see how many doll sized photo spots I could find. Well, I found plenty but didn't get pictures of all of them since I decided to head out during the hottest part of the day. I wanted to play around with the flash and exposure setting on my camera, and the only picture that I used the flash on is the second one. I have 2 favorites, the second one and the last one, but I'm a little partial to all of them.
Here's my AG Nicki and one of my birthday presents:
Here's my AG Nicki and one of my birthday presents:
Same picture, but without the flash.
Why American Girl made a cowgirl with a shirt suede skirt is beyond me, but out of all of my dolls she was the one who was the most prepared to ride.
The wizard robes are still in process, so it's back to the sewing desk I go.
Until next time...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Happy Birthday to me!
Well, it's that time again. My favorite month of the year also means I grow another year older. While I used to love this as a kid, I now find that I don't enjoy the aging part of it as much as I enjoy the celebration.
My day has been spent relaxing with my husband and the boys and cutting out doll size Harry Potter robes pieces with my husband. Everything is cut out now, so the sewing will begin tomorrow. I am making ten robes: eight Gryffindor and two Ravenclaw. So far, all of them are for special orders, except two of the Gryffindor. That will it for year. Once I'm done with these I have a couple of special order pieces to work on, and then we'll see what's next. I'm only a little farther behind than I planned, but it's okay since I usually work better under the pressure of an approaching deadline.
My hands have had more good days than bad lately, and I'm glad for that. For those who don't know I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Arthritis. Since I've stopped working full time the pain has greatly decreased, but there are days when I feel three times my age.
For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive more than I expected. My husband followed through with tradition and purchased American Girl Chrissa for me, and she arrived last month. Today my retired American Girl AGT #6 (light skin, black hair, and brown eyes) arrived today. I also received Nicholas Sparks' new book The Last Song and a Madame Alexander horse from my husband and my boys, and a Back to School themed scrapbook kit from my mom. And if I wasn't so full from dinner tonight, I would be digging in to the red velvet cake my husband baked for me today.
Here's my doll goodies:
Until next time...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Belated Labor Day!
This three day weekend has been a blast for the most part. Friday afternoon I went to my local scrapbook store to help them get ready for their soft opening the next day. 14 hours later, 5 hours before opening, it looked great! Scrapbooking is a new hobby for me, but it doesn't come close to sewing. I consider it more of a secondary hobby, but it's just as fun. In a lot of way it's like sewing:
paper = fabric (so many choices for both)
layouts = patterns (both are guides really)
adhesives = thread (you have to use the right ones to get the right effect)
embellishments = notions (same difference and some can be used for both)
Both hobbies are a ton of fun! I have met so many great people full of lots of information between both hobbies, and I don't see myself growing out of either hobby anytime soon.
So, Saturday, I slept in (since I didn't get home until 5:30am from the scrapbook store - I was exhausted, but it was so worth it) and had a lazy day with my husband and my boys.
Sunday, Mom, me, and the boys made a surprise trip to Georgia to see my grandma. For those who haven't met her, my grandmother is awesome. She'll be 81 on the 17th (the day after my birthday and two days after my younger sister's birthday) and the woman can sew, knit, and crochet up a storm. She still hand quilts, but not as much lately. Most of her sewing now is bonnets, aprons, and blue jean purses. She made me a blue jean doll tote for my birthday in 2007, and I am still hoping it wasn't among the items that got lost in the move from North Carolina to South Carolina.
Grandma has a booth at a flea market and that is where she sells her wares. When we got into town on Sunday, she was already there, so we just went straight there. She was very surprised to see us. We haven't seen her since Memorial Day, and when I walked up to her, she was thrown off a little by my new hair cut. She was glad to see us and we were glad to see her. This woman taught me almost all that I know about sewing, and I still call her to ask her questions and get her opinions on sewing and crocheting. I still can't knit like she does yet, but I'll get there one day.
One of my aunts gave Grandma a huge fabric stash from her Mother-in-Law, and once Grandma picked out what she wanted (mostly cottons) she let me have what I wanted out of the rest of it. I didn't realize just how much Grandma had leftover. I walked out with four Force Flex trash bags stuffed full of fabrics, including silks and wool, neither of which I had any of in my collection. Living in the Southeast, you really don't have a need for wool, therefore finding it in the local fabric stores proves to be quite the challenge. I have no pictures yet as everything is being prepped for pre-wash.
I spent yesterday home sick with what I think is a mild case of the flu, and my husband was a great caregiver. I caught it from him, and he was able to get away with an "I told you so..." and yeah, he was right.
So, no sewing has been done in days, and I really need to get into overdrive to get everything done by Halloween. I'll be taking volunteers to cut out the fabric pieces I trace out and I'll even cook for you.
Until next time,
(blind hem stitch)
paper = fabric (so many choices for both)
layouts = patterns (both are guides really)
adhesives = thread (you have to use the right ones to get the right effect)
embellishments = notions (same difference and some can be used for both)
Both hobbies are a ton of fun! I have met so many great people full of lots of information between both hobbies, and I don't see myself growing out of either hobby anytime soon.
So, Saturday, I slept in (since I didn't get home until 5:30am from the scrapbook store - I was exhausted, but it was so worth it) and had a lazy day with my husband and my boys.
Sunday, Mom, me, and the boys made a surprise trip to Georgia to see my grandma. For those who haven't met her, my grandmother is awesome. She'll be 81 on the 17th (the day after my birthday and two days after my younger sister's birthday) and the woman can sew, knit, and crochet up a storm. She still hand quilts, but not as much lately. Most of her sewing now is bonnets, aprons, and blue jean purses. She made me a blue jean doll tote for my birthday in 2007, and I am still hoping it wasn't among the items that got lost in the move from North Carolina to South Carolina.
Grandma has a booth at a flea market and that is where she sells her wares. When we got into town on Sunday, she was already there, so we just went straight there. She was very surprised to see us. We haven't seen her since Memorial Day, and when I walked up to her, she was thrown off a little by my new hair cut. She was glad to see us and we were glad to see her. This woman taught me almost all that I know about sewing, and I still call her to ask her questions and get her opinions on sewing and crocheting. I still can't knit like she does yet, but I'll get there one day.
One of my aunts gave Grandma a huge fabric stash from her Mother-in-Law, and once Grandma picked out what she wanted (mostly cottons) she let me have what I wanted out of the rest of it. I didn't realize just how much Grandma had leftover. I walked out with four Force Flex trash bags stuffed full of fabrics, including silks and wool, neither of which I had any of in my collection. Living in the Southeast, you really don't have a need for wool, therefore finding it in the local fabric stores proves to be quite the challenge. I have no pictures yet as everything is being prepped for pre-wash.
I spent yesterday home sick with what I think is a mild case of the flu, and my husband was a great caregiver. I caught it from him, and he was able to get away with an "I told you so..." and yeah, he was right.
So, no sewing has been done in days, and I really need to get into overdrive to get everything done by Halloween. I'll be taking volunteers to cut out the fabric pieces I trace out and I'll even cook for you.
Until next time,
(blind hem stitch)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Happy September!
September is my favorite time of year. First off, it has my birthday (And my sweet hubby gave me my present, Chrissa, early as usual). Then there are other family birthdays (Heather and Grandma). Then there is Back to School, which I loved as a kid, but now that I'm a parent it is bittersweet. Then there are the cooler temperatures, the crisp air, and the leaves changing colors. And lastly, it signifies that Halloween is right around the corner. EEK!!!

Yes, I said EEK!!! EEK because I still have a lot of sewing to get done: for dolls, Mom, kids, and dogs. Harry Potter themed outfits for the dolls and Mom, pirates for the kids, and Superman sets for the dogs. And of course EEK for the excitement and fun that Halloween brings.
I still have some special orders to finish up but I'm going to multitask on the Harry Potter themed outfits that were ordered when my last set sold out so quickly over Summer.
My website is in need of an update, but I have updated my For Sale posts on AGFans and AGPlaythings, and have everything in a Picasa album too, click here.
So, it's back to the sewing desk. Until next time...

Yes, I said EEK!!! EEK because I still have a lot of sewing to get done: for dolls, Mom, kids, and dogs. Harry Potter themed outfits for the dolls and Mom, pirates for the kids, and Superman sets for the dogs. And of course EEK for the excitement and fun that Halloween brings.
I still have some special orders to finish up but I'm going to multitask on the Harry Potter themed outfits that were ordered when my last set sold out so quickly over Summer.
My website is in need of an update, but I have updated my For Sale posts on AGFans and AGPlaythings, and have everything in a Picasa album too, click here.
So, it's back to the sewing desk. Until next time...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Two new items - 1970's Button Down Shift Dresses
Button Down Shift Dresses! How 70's is that? In a Sew-a-Long challenge on one of my online American Girl collector forums a pattern was chosen, and we all took it from there. Here's my results:

Made of polyester, it came out really snug in the hips, even after I took out the darts. Nicki is one of my slimmest dolls, with a 12" circumference at the top of her leg openings.

This one I made out of cotton, did a single fold on the front closure and left out the darts, and it fits Molly (my biggest girl) just fine, except there is some extra room in the chest, so I could have used the dart, but only about halfway done the original dart measurement.
I haven't listed them for sale yet since I'm still working on the descriptions, but they're available and will be listed soon (unless someone buys them before I can list them, which would save my hands from typing).
Until next time...
(zig-zag stiching)

I haven't listed them for sale yet since I'm still working on the descriptions, but they're available and will be listed soon (unless someone buys them before I can list them, which would save my hands from typing).
Until next time...
(zig-zag stiching)
Monday, August 17, 2009
It's been a while, but it was worth the wait
Things have been so busy! We got all moved in to our new tiny home, and I have a room just for me to have my dolls, sewing stuff, and other craft stuff. I love it! It's not in a high traffic area like the dining room anymore, and even though it's small it's very cozy.
I found my camera cord today, and was able to get all of the before, during, and after photos done. The only things missing are a new wall segment and a short shelf, but overall my room is set up like I want.
Here's the album:
Warning: Yes, there are nude dolls pictured, but it's only temporary due to the move, and they were dressed in time for the final picture. :)
Other news in Gomunk Creations...
My birthday is next month, but my sweet husband bought my traditional birthday present early (like every year). She's in the album, hiding towards the end of the mantle.

I was able to start and complete two 1970's inspired button down shift dresses. Pictures soon, I promise.
Until next time,
(twin needle stitching)
I found my camera cord today, and was able to get all of the before, during, and after photos done. The only things missing are a new wall segment and a short shelf, but overall my room is set up like I want.
Here's the album:
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New Doll Room |
Warning: Yes, there are nude dolls pictured, but it's only temporary due to the move, and they were dressed in time for the final picture. :)
Other news in Gomunk Creations...
My birthday is next month, but my sweet husband bought my traditional birthday present early (like every year). She's in the album, hiding towards the end of the mantle.

I was able to start and complete two 1970's inspired button down shift dresses. Pictures soon, I promise.
Until next time,
(twin needle stitching)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Newest Creation listed on Etsy!

It's been done for a few days, but I didn't get the right temperature and timing to do the pictures until this morning. I haven't listed this on my website yet since that takes more work that listing it on Etsy. On the plus side, my For Sale page has my Etsy shop at the bottom of it.
Here's the link for more pictures: Etsy listing
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We're back!
We're back, and we've got plenty of fabric to show for it. Sore muscles too, but definitely worth it.
Here's a short album of our trip:
Here's a short album of our trip:
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From Winston Salem Fabric Run! |
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Going on an out of town fabric run!
When we moved to South Carolina in December, we had to leave the rather large fabric stash in North Carolina. For those who sew, you know being without fabric makes for a sad seamstress. For those who don't sew, fabric is an addiction, and fabric withdrawal makes for a sad seamstress.
Since moving to South Carolina, I've found that the fabric choice is different, and while I am able to find a lot of cotton prints (my favorite thing to work with), I've had difficulty finding other fabrics suitable for other projects (such as jackets, formal dresses, and costumes). Once my fabric stash arrives, opening my fabric closet will be like walking into my own personal fabric store again. I'm so excited!
So, what does this mean for my fans? Here's the breakdown:
More fabric = more inspiration
more inspiration = more designs
more designs = more cute doll clothes
more cute doll clothes = happy customers
happy customers = happy Gomunk
happy Gomunk = more fabric
... and the cycle continues
My special orders are rolling along, but due to this weekend's out of town adventure, I'm taking a break for a few days to prep the house before we leave, and will take a few days to unpack once we get back. The 1940 boy clothes went in the mail today, some of the Bitty clothing will be delivered while in North Carolina this weekend, and then it's back to the sewing machine.
Until next time!
Since moving to South Carolina, I've found that the fabric choice is different, and while I am able to find a lot of cotton prints (my favorite thing to work with), I've had difficulty finding other fabrics suitable for other projects (such as jackets, formal dresses, and costumes). Once my fabric stash arrives, opening my fabric closet will be like walking into my own personal fabric store again. I'm so excited!
So, what does this mean for my fans? Here's the breakdown:
More fabric = more inspiration
more inspiration = more designs
more designs = more cute doll clothes
more cute doll clothes = happy customers
happy customers = happy Gomunk
happy Gomunk = more fabric
... and the cycle continues
My special orders are rolling along, but due to this weekend's out of town adventure, I'm taking a break for a few days to prep the house before we leave, and will take a few days to unpack once we get back. The 1940 boy clothes went in the mail today, some of the Bitty clothing will be delivered while in North Carolina this weekend, and then it's back to the sewing machine.
Until next time!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Playing with polka dots
Welcome to the Gomunk Creations blog!
This layout is the closest thing I could find to my purple and green color scheme, plus I've been eyeballing and picking up quite a few polka dot fabrics. One of the polka dot fabrics made it's way into 2 doll dresses as gifts for Mother's Day (one for Mom and one for Buddy Holly). No pictures yet as I am having to borrow my hubby's computer while mine is in timeout for wireless issues. I guess a description will have to suffice. Both dress are basic knee length dresses with cap sleeves in a black with hot pink polka dot cotton. Dress #1 has a black and to pink flower trim over pink lace trim at the hem; Dress #2 has hot pink beaded fringe trim on the hem. Dress #3 is in the process, but it's been put on the back of the sewing desk since I'm working on some exciting special orders. Items I'm currently working on are 1940's boy clothes, pioneer sunbonnet, brown suede hooded coat, and finally Bitty Baby clothes.
That's right, you've read the correctly: Bitty Baby clothes. Buddy Holly and her miniature accomplice have finally convinced me to dive into the world of Bitty Baby and Bitty Twin clothes. I'm not sure if this will be a permanent adventure or just an experiment, but I've already purchased an adorable Bitty Baby of my own as a sewing model, so I could be a goner. Luckily, my ever growing fabric stash for the 18 inch crowd will work for the Bitty Crowd too since Buddy Holly's Bitty will be wearing more of a toddler wardrobe, rather than a newborn wardrobe.
Well, back to the sewing machine.
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(stitches, get it?)
This layout is the closest thing I could find to my purple and green color scheme, plus I've been eyeballing and picking up quite a few polka dot fabrics. One of the polka dot fabrics made it's way into 2 doll dresses as gifts for Mother's Day (one for Mom and one for Buddy Holly). No pictures yet as I am having to borrow my hubby's computer while mine is in timeout for wireless issues. I guess a description will have to suffice. Both dress are basic knee length dresses with cap sleeves in a black with hot pink polka dot cotton. Dress #1 has a black and to pink flower trim over pink lace trim at the hem; Dress #2 has hot pink beaded fringe trim on the hem. Dress #3 is in the process, but it's been put on the back of the sewing desk since I'm working on some exciting special orders. Items I'm currently working on are 1940's boy clothes, pioneer sunbonnet, brown suede hooded coat, and finally Bitty Baby clothes.
That's right, you've read the correctly: Bitty Baby clothes. Buddy Holly and her miniature accomplice have finally convinced me to dive into the world of Bitty Baby and Bitty Twin clothes. I'm not sure if this will be a permanent adventure or just an experiment, but I've already purchased an adorable Bitty Baby of my own as a sewing model, so I could be a goner. Luckily, my ever growing fabric stash for the 18 inch crowd will work for the Bitty Crowd too since Buddy Holly's Bitty will be wearing more of a toddler wardrobe, rather than a newborn wardrobe.
Well, back to the sewing machine.
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(stitches, get it?)
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