I've been busy with work, housework, the kids, and Project Doll Runway (PDR). I was in a sewing funk before PDR, and used PDR as a way to pull myself out of my funk. Well, PDR wasn't going so well, so I guess I got a little discouraged and when it came down to the deadline for the final outfit, I was exhausted (had too much fun at National Scrapbooking Day weekend) and fell asleep (5 hours before the deadline) before I could finish it. It's now been two weeks since I've touched that outfit. All that stands between me and the finish line: 3 puckers and 4 snaps. That's it! What, like 30 minutes at the most, right? Yep, 30 minutes until I can take this outfit and list it for sale. Yes, I have had 30 minutes to make finish the dress, but when I've had the chance to sew I've felt no motivation or craftiness. Here is how the dress looks right now:
Sorry for the not so great quality. I was in a hurry to upload the picture at the time I was sewing, so I used my Droid (love) for the pic (see my camera in the corner, I love him too). The dress needs a petticoat since the skirt is so full, which will help the skirt stand out and the orange satin underskirt show.
Okay, that picture is just so bad that I had to take my camera and it's dying battery outside for some better pictures before it got dark. It's hard to see just how pretty the fabrics are with the phone's camera in the dark living room, so here are front and back shots of the dress outside with my camera:
See how close it is to being done? I did forget about having to sew the sash, so that may be another 30 minutes (turning it right side out is also a barrel of fun, let me tell you). The sash will be the same burnt orange satin as the underskirt and will have gold bead trim wrapped around it. The original intention was to have it criss cross the bodice, but since I went with a sweetheart neckline, the crisscross would have covered it up, so the idea was modified.
Tomorrow night is Friday Night Crop, and I have the boys' books to work on. Each boy has his own book and inside of each book I have pictures paired up with the background pages already so I have a good starting point when I sit down to crop. Each of the boys all have the same paper (you know how siblings are, and if you are into scrapbooking you know how hard it is to find boyish paper) but each paper design will most likely be used in a different layout (airplanes for Dylan is his newborn pics from the hospital and in Christian's book the same paper is for a picture of him as a newborn laying on Jim's chest, and Noah's sheet of airplane paper is still waiting for the right layout).
Here is what I have worked on with my scrapbooking lately:
A South Carolina shaped chipboard album as a gift (still needs buttons, bling, etc.)
My sign for my vendor booth (Cricut Robotz cartridge). Two sheets of 12x12 cardstock cut in half, alternated, and then stitched together.

A 4 inch tall 3D robot from Cricut Robotz cartridge.
There are a few layouts, but they need some fine tuning and then a picture with my camera and not my phone.
So, yes, I have not dropped off the face of the Earth, I promise. :-)
1 comment:
Girl, I am so in love with that little robot. I cannot wait for you to make us a really big on for CK!
PS: I know about funks, I seem to be in a perpetual one. And yes, sometimes I smell bad too. Sucks to be me.
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