About Me

Hi, I'm Jenifer. I'm the mom to three boys, wife to a hobby supporting hubby, and a collector of fabric, frogs, and American Girl dolls.
I use this blog as a way to show off my creations and let folks in on what goes on in a crafter's mind. I've been sewing doll clothes since late 1995 and I've been scrapbooking since late 2008. I've been collecting frogs since I was kid, but I didn't get really into it until a few years ago. As a seamstress, fabric collecting is just a necessity. Yeah, we'll go with that. :)
I live in South Carolina, but it doesn't feel like home. I'm originally from Georgia, but my heart feels more at home in North Carolina. I spent most of childhood as a military kid, and then we finally settled back in Georgia back in 1995. I was there until I left for the Air Force in 2001, only to be stationed 2 hours from home in 2002. In 2003 I was sent overseas to Korea, and when I left Korea in 2004, I also left the Air Force. In 2005 we moved to North Carolina to be closer to my husband's family and help them out, and when my husband found out he was losing his job in December 2008, we moved to South Carolina to be closer to my family and try the job market down here. My husband worked with a major company here, and now is working with another major company, so who knows how long we'll continue to stay in South Carolina. Our goal is to move back to North Carolina, about an hour away from where we lived before.
I am a pretty open book, so if you ever have any questions, just ask.