
Monday, May 28, 2012

New stuff from a bad blogger

It' been a month since I've made a post. Wow! Well, the end of the school year was a lot more chaotic than I expected it to be, but now that the summer is here, I should have more time to spend at my sewing desk, which means I will have to make more time to sit at my computer to list on Etsy and post my creations here.

Right after my last blog post, I finished a second Colonial dress for Felicity and Elizabeth. I really like how the pink accents the background of the green.

I'm really loving my new camera (even though I've yet to read the instruction manual still), and have been having fun trying new techniques and such.

Excellent close up with a blurred background for the win!

One of my favorite pictures of my PM Felicity. It's nice to see a picture of her where her eyes aren't so neon.

This is one of the pocket slits, a first for me. However, the picture came out blurry, and I didn't realize it until I was uploading the pictures later that night. 

I'm not sure why I didn't post this before, but this is a dress I made for a Sew Along back in March. it's made using the Heritage Wrap Dress pattern. Modeled by my new Rebecca.

The fabric I used for the wrap dress is also in the works as a skirt for Josefina. Josefina is the historical doll in the current Sew Along on AGPT. I'm working on two versions of her Harvest Outfit. One camisa is done and the other camisa only has the embroidery done on the bodice. The skirts will whip together quickly, so keep an eye for them in my Etsy shop.

1 comment:

  1. Both outfits are beautiful. And I'm not just saying that because I like the color green. You did a lovely job for Felicity as well as for "new" Rebecca.
    ^j^ Mrs.C.
