
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sewing room gets a makeover, again

Okay, so tonight, I turned the dining room table around, extended the leaves, and moved it against the wall. I also finished clearing off my bookshelf (doll display) upstairs and brought it down to the sewing area. The bookshelf is now on one side of my dining room table. The other bookshelf (doll display) needs to cleared off (I need a box or 2, or 3) and then it will come downstairs and go on the other side of the dining room table.
The bookshelf that I moved this evening is the one that is going to house my sewing stuff since I'm evicting my sewing desk until I get a bigger place. I can't bear to get rid of it (since it works perfectly for me) since I know I won't be able to find the same kind for the same price, so it's going to Mom's garage.
Here's how it looks so far (camera phone at night = crappy picture quality):

I took the pantry door off and put it in the storage shed since I never close the door anyways. It's my scrapbooking/cleaning/litter box closet. The rack on the right, with the hangers, will probably go since it doesn't serve the purpose I hoped it would. The mound of fabric in the middle of the table? That's the other half of my living room curtains that needs the blackout lining sewn on. The other half covers the window, but I like a gathered look, so these will go back up,eventually...

I am participating in another AG Playthings sewing swap, so I'm excited to get my space organized so I can get to work. I'm working on a historical outfit, and for some reason the color yellow keeps coming into mind. I guess I should straighten up the fabric closet before I start rummaging around in there looking for just the right fabric.

Until next time...

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