
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Boy Stuff Swap on AGPlaythings

So, before renovations began on my townhouse, I signed up for the Boy Stuff Swap on the AGPlaythings forum. I went back and forth about it since I haven't developed the character of my only boy doll, Jack. Jack is an Our Generation doll by Battat. The quality is no where near American Girl, but hey, Battat was smart enough to make boy dolls (well, at least for a little while). I purchased Jack the day I found out from my ultrasound that I was having a boy, back in 2002. We had gone shopping for baby stuff at Target, and we just so happened to walk by the dolls, and I had to take a look. At the time I had two AG dolls (Molly and Felicity), but they were at my mom's house a few states away. We joked and said it would be funny if our son came out with blonde hair and blue eyes since that is what Jack has. Well, my son has blonde hair and blue eyes. :)
This picture of Jack has him in his full meet outfit:
This picture was taken in 2006.
Jack doesn't get as much attention from me as my other dolls do, but boy, when my kids and their friends play with my dolls, Jack is one of the first ones chosen.
So, since this is a swap, I'll show you what I received since it arrived before I shipped my box: On my Facebook fan page

Now, while I didn't get pictures of all of the cool little stuff I sent out, I did get pictures of the items I made.
Shortalls (I remembered why I hadn't used this pattern in 10 years, I really wanted overalls)

Football PJ pants upcycled from my husband's old PJ pants

In my other crafty endeavors since my last post, my mother and I paired up to make an Angry Birds themed party for my youngest son.
She made the king pig cake my son requested.

And the birds as cupcakes (the one at the bottom of the picture is green like the pig)

And I had the task of making and filling the piƱata
I took it from this...

to this. He wanted a king pig with a mustache, even though it's only one or the other in the game. And this was one tough pig. We had to start off with a kids' baseball bat, and it still took a lot for this pig to fork over the plastic eggs and candy. 

I wish the renovations were done on my house. They are for the most part, but there still needs a few things done before it's finished. My sliding glass door needs the trim and shoe molding put on, and the wall that it is on needs repaired from where they were working on the other side of it and cut through. And my living room needs painted. 
I came close to a tempter tantrum yesterday since I have so much that I need to get done both in my house and in my sewing area, that it just infuriates me that I can't put my house back together until they get done. And well, they left early on Friday, and I haven't heard anything from them or my landlord since. **sigh**

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