
Friday, September 25, 2009

Playing with camera and new toy horse

Yesterday I decided to explore my new backyard and see how many doll sized photo spots I could find. Well, I found plenty but didn't get pictures of all of them since I decided to head out during the hottest part of the day. I wanted to play around with the flash and exposure setting on my camera, and the only picture that I used the flash on is the second one. I have 2 favorites, the second one and the last one, but I'm a little partial to all of them.
Here's my AG Nicki and one of my birthday presents:


Same picture, but without the flash.



Why American Girl made a cowgirl with a shirt suede skirt is beyond me, but out of all of my dolls she was the one who was the most prepared to ride.

The wizard robes are still in process, so it's back to the sewing desk I go.
Until next time...

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